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Laboratory Notebook

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Description This resource can help students develop the following Core Competencies of Vision and Change: 1. ABILITY TO APPLY THE PROCESS OF SCIENCE 2. ABILITY TO USE QUANTITATIVE REASONING 5. ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE AND COLLABORATE WITH OTHER DISCIPLINES These materials are intended to be part of a Vision and Change Collection about enzyme purification. This resource contains materials to help undergraduate students keep a laboratory notebook to academic standards. There are two short video clips (mp4 files) with guidelines and examples, a Word document with teaching notes and links to pertinent web sites, pdf's from my course web site with relevant information, a notebook checklist that can be adapted/modified, and a copyright document about using my materials.
Type of Resource Assessment: other, Laboratory Manual, Scientific Standards & Guidelines, Short Movies, Teaching Strategies & Guidelines, Tutorial
Format Zipped File - ZIP - 14.55 MB
Technical Note 1. WinZip program needed to unzip files 2. QuickTime Player for mp4 files 3. Adobe Acrobat Reader or Pro to read pdf files 4. Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac or higher (or equivalent version for Windows)
Beth Beason-Abmayr, Rice University
Development Date December 13, 2012
Grade/Age Levels High School lower division (Grades 9-10)
High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Professional (degree program)
National Science
Educational Standards
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry (K-12), Understandings about scientific inquiry (K-12)
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By LifeSciTRC Board
Review Date February 27, 2013
Funding Source None
Suggested Use
I use these resources in my introductory and advanced undergraduate laboratory courses as guidelines for keeping a laboratory notebook to academic standards. The students review the materials on the course web sites and watch the short videos before coming to the first day of class. I used to spend an hour on the first day of class explaining to students how to keep a high quality lab notebook--the videos let me use that class time to cover other topics. Students turn in copies of their notebook pages, and I use the checklist to grade their notebooks.
Beth Beason-Abmayr, Rice University

This is a group of resources describing the use of the laboratory notebook. They are compressed in a .zip format to conserve space, but they can be a bit confusing if unpacking by hand, rather than using the recommended WinZip program. One of the videos appears to be empty (0 bytes).

Component Resources:
Guidelines for Keeping a Laboratory Record (Acrobat format)
Guidelines for Keeping a Laboratory Record (Link to website)
Laboratory Notebook Video (mp4 format)
Notebook Evaluation Checklist (MS Word and Acrobat formats)
Author Copyright Statement (Acrobat format)
Teaching Notes on Core Competencies (MS Word format)

One should note that the checklist includes references to subsequent laboratories that may not be relevant to every teacher. The use of abbreviations (e.g., ADA Stability Study, IEF) adds to the potential confusion.

The Teaching Notes reference explicitly the AAAS Vision and Change core competencies. This is a useful addition to the overall package.
Thomas Pressley, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


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