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Body Bacteria: Exploring the Skin's Microbrial Metropolis

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Description This issue of Findings introduces Elizabeth Grice, a postdoctoral fellow studying the skin microbiome. She wants to learn how and why bacteria colonize certain places on the body, and she’s particularly interested in determining differences between bacterial communities on healthy and diseased skin. Grice hopes her work will lead to new insights for treating chronic wounds that are common in people who have diabetes or limited mobility.
Type of Resource Non-journal Article
Format Portable Document Format - PDF
Allison MacLachlan, Findings Magazine
Development Date January 1, 2012
Grade/Age Levels Middle School (Grades 6-8)
High School lower division (Grades 9-10)
High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
General Public
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By Staff
Review Date February 21, 2012
Suggested Use

This resource affords students the opportunity to see the significant and meaningful work that is done by female scientists. Good balance between personal and scientific content which allows students to connect with both.

David Upegui, Central Fall High School

This is a good reading assignment to be shared with the introductory microbiology class . This can also supplement  the human microbiome project website if you discuss that with your class. Great introduction to your ever fascinating skin flora.


I will use this resource when discussing the integumentary system with my introductory Human Anatomy and Physiology class, as there is a nice balance of relevant science (anatomy, physiology and microbiology) with personal development as a scientist.  Small groups of students will be asked to research one aspect of the  article that interests them, for example, the effect of high blood sugar on skin structure or the process by which inflammation interferes with skin repair, and write a short review/create an oral presentation to share with the class.

Andrea Phillott, FLAME University


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