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Visible Embryo: 14 weeks

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Description a comprehensive resource of information on human development at 14 weeks of gestation (80-90mm, 25g), designed for both medical student and interested lay people. The Visible Embryo offers a detailed pictorial account of normal and abnormal development. This is a subset of a larger site.
Type of Resource Illustration, Memo
Format Web Page - HTML
Carmen Arbona, Mouseworks
Development Date October 31, 2006
Grade/Age Levels High School lower division (Grades 9-10)
High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Professional (degree program)
Continuing Education
General Public
Informal Education
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by SDB Peer Reviewers
Review Date June 4, 2007
Suggested Use

This site provides a detailed summary of human development from fertilization to birth. I like that the figures show the actual size of the embryo/fetus, but wish the figures of the enlarged embryo/fetus were a bit larger. The visible embryo is a good visual tool to show the progression of development. I plan to use it as a supplement in anatomy and physiolgy for my undergraduate course.

Cynthia Motzny, Roosevelt University

I use this resource as part of a Development Lab for sophomore nursing A&P II students.  The images are very helpful giving a better understanding of the events at various stages of human development.  I ask questions to accompany the exercise.

Shari Litch Gray, Regis College

Clear demostration for all stages of human embryo from fertilization through 14 weeks. The unique developmental characteristics for each stages are listed. it is benficial for the medical community as well as to students who are considered a new learner about development. In addition, other supportive materials to development are there in the website which enriches the knowledge of human's development.

Lubna Abu-Niaaj, Central State University

students are amazed how humans grow and develop in the uterus. This is a great visual.
Jane Raabis, North High School


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