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Vision and Change Teacher-Recommended Collection: Respiratory System for an Anatomy Class

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Description Collection Description
This collection will help students to learn more about the structures and tissues of the respiratory system, the function of the respiratory system and then test themselves on their knowledge and understanding of the respiratory system.

How were the items in this collection used?
The resources were given to students via a course webpage. Students were encouraged to start with the resources that help them learn and review the structures and tissues of the respiratory system, specifically Gray’s Anatomy and the Histological Review. Next they were encouraged to move onto some basic physiology of the respiratory system to help them understand the importance of the respiratory system, using the Physiology Flow diagrams. Next, during class time we completed the case study, While you were sleeping, as a group. Finally they were encouraged to test their knowledge using the final resources, WebAnatomy and the Respiratory Action Maze.

Who used this collection?
Students in an introductory college level Human Anatomy class.

Which of the V&C Core Concepts does this collection address?
Structure & Function ('Basic units of structure define the function of all living things.')
Students learned about the structures found in the respiratory system and how they work.

Which of the V&C Core Competencies and Disciplinary Practices does this collection address?
Ability to Apply the Process of Science ('Biology is evidence based and grounded in the formal practices of observation, experimentation, and hypothesis testing.')
Students used a case study to gather observations, make hypothesis, propose tests, explore evidence and draw conclusions.

Ability to Use Modeling and Simulation ('Biology focuses on the study of complex systems.')
Students use a basic model to learn more about the respiratory system and its function.

Please enter suggestions for colleagues.
I gave most of these resources as supplements that students could chose to use or not to supplement their learning of the respiratory system. Those who actually used the resources found them to be helpful and enriching. If you wanted to require the resources I would recommend daily quizzes to ensure that students are held accountable for the material in the resources.

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Grade/Age Level Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Learning Time 4-6 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

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Good collection; but I would need to modify a bit before my students use it.