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Teacher-Recommended Collection: Problem Based Learning Applications in A&P

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Description Collection Description
This is a collection of resources on the effectiveness and application of problem-based learning in anatomy and physiology teaching.

Describe how this collection was used.
These resources serve two purposes. The first purpose is to provide instructors with educational research studies and commentaries supporting the use of problem-based learning as an effective teaching strategy that reflects the Vision & Change philosophy. A second set of resources includes lecture and laboratory problem-based learning activities that are consistent with the best practices in teaching consistent with the Vision & Change philosophy.

Describe who used this collection (classroom, laboratory, education level, etc).
I use the background materials to appropriately apply the activities in undergraduate Human Anatomy & Physiology courses. A selection of the materials was given to other faculty who teach undergraduate anatomy & physiology, general biology, nutrition, and kinesiology.

Describe how this collection works.
The educational research and commentaries resources are available for training faculty how to teach with problem-based learning. These also serve as resources for validating the problem-based learning modality. The second set of resources can be used directly in the classroom or can be used as models for faculty to develop their problem-based learning activities tailored to their teaching. Many of the resources were not rated; so, I used resources that I rated 4 or 5 in its applicability for my classroom teaching. Some of the resources were rated 4 or 5 by faculty who use the resources in their teaching.

Please enter suggestions for colleagues.
The lecture and lab activities should be shared with other faculty and can be used as models for faculty to develop problem-based learning activities directly applicable to the content and concepts they teach. It is also important to field-test the activities on students and solicit student feedback to make the activity more relevant to their learning.

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Brian Shmaefsky, Lone Star College - Kingwood
Grade/Age Levels Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Learning Time >9 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

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This collection gives me great application ideas during my lectures.  Good to see that it is suggested that I field test the activities on the students and then evolve it to make it more relevant to my course.  I love the critical thinking models used in the collection.  I like what I see so far.

—Adrienne Bratcher, University of Louisville

This is a thorough collection of case studies that can be used in A&P as well as in an AP Biology course.  Thank you for compiling and sharing.  They will help deepen inquiry in my classroom!

—Jenny Sarna, Farragut Career Academy

I am shifting more and more toward problem-based learning in my courses.  I have done more of this in General Biology and have been looking for resources about PBL in Anatomy & Physiology to add to the few case studies and problems I already use in that course.  This collection includes an excellent group of pedagogical articles as well as example activities that could be used in undergraduate A&P.  I look forward to using this collection to introduce more group work and activities that will generate good questions from my students and help them learn and apply the material rather than simply memorizing.

—Kelly Sjerven, Rainy River Community College

This collection needs to be re-named since "Teacher-recommended collection: Teacher-recommended collection" seems both repetitive and redundant as they say and not very meaningful. The content is interesting but it almost seems like two collections to me. One half is an excellent set of articles on the pedagogy of PBL and critical thinking courses. The other half seems to be more a mix of lab exercises / case studies / classroom activities that employ these concepts.  

—Thomas Phillips, University of Missouri