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Vision and Change Teacher-Recommended Collection: The Nervous System for a 200-level A&P course

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Description Collection Description
A collection of teaching tools for instructors and videos for students covering the human nervous system.

How were the items in this collection used?
This collection is used to enhance student understanding of the nervous system in an undergraduate Human Anatomy & Physiology class.

Who used this collection?
For the instructor: 3 teaching tools used in the classroom, plus one 2-minute YouTube video used with one of the teaching tools; For the students: 5 videos assigned to be watched before relevant lectures, plus one simulation to be played around with

Which of the V&C Core Concepts does this collection address?
Structure & Function ('Basic units of structure define the function of all living things.')
The structure of a neuron is necessary for it to be able to transmit electrical signals along its length and chemical signals at its synapses.

Pathways and Transformations of Energy and Matter ('Biological systems grow and change by processes based upon chemical transformation pathways and are governed by the laws of thermodynamics.')
Neurons utilize both electrical and chemical energy.

Which of the V&C Core Competencies and Disciplinary Practices does this collection address?
Ability to Use Quantitative Reasoning ('Biology relies on applications of quantitative analysis and mathematical reasoning.')
Students must analyze the necessary components of neurons and contrast characteristics such as myelinated vs. unmyelinated and action potential vs. graded potential.

Ability to Use Modeling and Simulation ('Biology focuses on the study of complex systems.')
Significant modeling is used to explain the functioning of neurons.

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Material for the instructor: the LOTR YouTube video is meant to be watched to support the “myelinated vs. unmyelinated” teaching tool Material for the students: Each of the 5 videos could be assigned on successive days of lecture. The 4 Kahn Academy videos, especially, are meant to be viewed in sequence.

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Hilary Engebretson, Whatcom Community College
Grade/Age Levels Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Learning Time <=1 hour
Languages Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Turkish
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

Resources in Collection
Click on any teaching resource's title for detailed information.
Web Site Links
Kahn Academy "Anatomy of a Neuron"
This is a 6-minute description of the overall anatomy of a single neuron. I will use this as an assignment for students to complete before lecture so that I do not have to cover the straightforward neuron anatomy in class.
Kahn Academy "Electrotonic and Action Potential"
This video is 18 minutes long. Also use by assigning for students to pre-view before lecture.
Kahn Academy "Neuronal Synapses"
A 16 minute long video. Also use for students to pre-view before lecture.
Kahn Academy "Saltatory Conduction in Neurons"
A 12-minute video. Also use as a tool for students to pre-view before lecture
Lighting of the Beacons (LOTR)
2 minute YouTube video clip from the Lord of the Rings - the lighting of the beacons. Use to illustrate discontinuous conduction along a myelinated neuron. Contrast with a person having to run the same distance to illustrate saltatory conduction.
TED talk: Michael Merzenich: Growing evidence of brain plasticity
This 23 minute talk covers the development of the brain as it relates to synapse formation, and how synaptic plasticity leads to the brain's powerful abilities. It might be good to have students watch this video before we begin the nervous system lectures.


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Seems to be appropriate visualizations for a topic many students need such aids in understanding.

—Daniel Williams, Winston-Salem State University

This collection contains a good mix of articles, activities, and simulations to reinforce the neurophysiology involved in action potentials. 

—Jason LaPres, Lone Star College - University Park