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Problem Solving Exercises in Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology

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Description This resource is intended to supplement texts in cardiovascular physiology. The resource uses a Question and Answer format, and a good proportion of the questions are clinical vignettes - thus the title. The application of several physiologic facts and principles to common and uncommon cardiovascular conditions is exemplified. The perspective of this resource is that of physiology and pathophysiology, not clinical medicine. Thus, the reader should not infer clinical diagnostic or treatment protocol for gastrointestinal conditions from this. It is not intended to cover all classic topics that can be found in chapters on cardiovascular physiology in commonly used medical physiology textbooks. Additional self-assessment questions of the multiple-choice type are at the end.
Type of Resource Assessment: exam with answer key, Assignment/Activity (Non-Laboratory/Non-Hands on Activity)
Format Portable Document Format - PDF - 11.51 MB
E.S. Prakash, Mercer University School of Medicine
Development Date October 1, 2013
Grade/Age Level Professional (degree program)
Medical Objectives
in Physiology
Arterial pressure and circulation, Cardiac cycle, Cardiac function, Cerebral, splanchnic and cutaneous circulation, Coronary circulation, Electrophysiology of the heart, Exercise (see also Integration), Fetal and neonatal circulation, Fluid dynamics, Hemostasis and injury, hemorrhage, shock, Local control of blood flow, Physiology of cardiac defects (heart sounds), Regulation of arterial pressure, The microcirculation and lymphatics, The normal ECG and the ECG in cardiac arrhythmias and myopathies, Unique characteristics of cardiac muscle
Learning Time >9 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By LifeSciTRC Board
Review Date October 17, 2014
Funding Source None
Suggested Use

This resource comprehensively covers many topics in clinical cardiology in a question and answer format. Real world examples of patient presentation are given, and extensive answers provided to help the reader understand the key underlying physiologic principles responsible. Fifty-seven questions with long answers are provided in the first section, followed by twenty-five  multiple choice questions with answer key and explanations for each correct answer.

Michael Czubryt, University of Manitoba

Very clear and thorough examination of cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology for a medical or graduate degree program.

Jan Foster, North Greenville University


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