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Capillary Pressure iPhone and iPad App

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Description Of the factors that determine whether fluid moves from capillary blood into tissue or vice versa, capillary hydrostatic pressure is the only one that can change rapidly. Using this app a student or instructor can see how arterial and venous pressures and pre- and post-capillary resistances affect capillary pressure. Possible simulations include effects of a tourniquet, hemorrhagic hypotension, reflex vasoconstriction, etc. The app can be used for self-instruction or classroom demonstrations.
Type of Resource Mobile App - iPad/iPhone, Simulation
Format Web Page - HTML
A.P. (Pete) Shepherd, University of Texas Health Science Center
Development Date August 25, 2013
Grade/Age Levels Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Professional (degree program)
Medical Objective
in Physiology
The microcirculation and lymphatics
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By LifeSciTRC Board
Review Date August 27, 2013
Suggested Use

The update is working beautifully! I was able to use the app recently in my class with great success. Thanks.

Carol Britson, University of Mississippi

IOS 7 & 8 threw a bug into this app. On the iPad several digital displays appeared briefly and then disappeared. I am pleased to report that my programmer and I have fixed that bug so that Capillary Pressure now works corretly on both iPads and iPhones. If you already have the app, the update is waiting for you at Apple's App Store. If you'd like a free copy, let me know, and I'll send you a promo code. Have fun!

A.P. (Pete) Shepherd, Univ. Texas HSC

The major drawback is that the app does not have full functionality with iOS7 on the iPad. The price is reasonable ($0.99) for an app that focuses solely on variables that affect capillary pressure. It would be a great resource for lectures.

Carol Britson, University of Mississippi


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