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Time-lapse movie of salamander (axolotl) neurulation

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Description A 20 second time-lapse movie covering 5 hours of development shows the final morphogenetic movements of neurulation in the Axolotl embryo. The visible ectodermal cells form the neural tube and prospective epidermis. Neural folds come together and fuse. Some cell divisions can be seen as transient dark “explosions” as cells undergo cytokinesis. 5 hour timelapse by Richard Harland and Chenbei Chang, at the MBL Embryology Course. Jul 13 2008 3.14-8.06 one frame per minute
Type of Resource Short Movies
Format Quicktime - MOV - 2.62 MB
Technical Note quicktime - mov
Richard Harland, Berkeley
Development Date October 2, 2012
Grade/Age Levels High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Professional (degree program)
General Public
National Science
Educational Standards
Behavior of organisms (9-12), Form and function (K-12)
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by SDB Peer Reviewers
Review Date March 6, 2013
Funding Source National Institutes of Health , Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
Suggested Use

Here is a link to a Microsoft Office help article on how to play an Apple QuickTime move (.mov) during a powerpoint presentation. I hope this helps!



Miranda Byse, American Physiological Society

This is a wonderful movie for teaching. But you cannot download it to integrate it in your ppt presentation, what a pity!

Christa Rhiner, University of Bern


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