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Use of Colored Fabric to Denote Blood Oxygenation Status to Various Simulated Body Tissues During Rest and Exercise - PhUn Week Poster Session EB 2012

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Description To teach 5th grade students of the Oak Grove School how the body systems work together at rest and during exercise. We accomplished this by the simulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide turnover at rest and exercise. Also, to examine pathological tissue, show examples of physiology equipment and to measure how a brief exercise bout affects heart rate. 1: The students were briefed on the purpose of PhUn week. All students were given a copy of the comic book, Physiology Research in Action, to read before our visit. This was an opportunity to advance the cause of education on diabetes and obesity in the state of MS. 2: Students were introduced to pathological lung and heart tissue by PowerPoint slides comparing pathological and normal tissues. 3: Stations were set up in the classroom that represented lungs, heart, GI tract, brain and muscle to simulate blood flow and O2/CO2 exchange during rest and exercise. Students were given patches of red material representing oxygenated blood and blue material representing blood lower in oxygen and higher in carbon dioxide. Students, acting as hemoglobin molecules, were allowed to move around the room and exchange their different colored pieces of cloth representing what they thought would happen at various stations. This was repeated at a faster rate to simulate exercise. 4: Students were shown teaching tools of a physiologist including blood pressure cuffs, ECG machines, and a spirometer. All were shown how to take their pulse at rest and after exercise. At the end of the visit students were able to talk about O2 and CO2 exchange as blood flows through the cardiopulmonary system and tissues during a simulated rest and exercise state. The use of stations allowed students to see how muscle requires more O2 during exercise when compared to rest. Students showed an appreciation of the pathological tissue and they demonstrated knowledge gained regarding the importance of exercise and their health.
Type of Resource Meeting Presentation
Format Portable Document Format - PDF - 1.02 MB
Jessica Taylor, William Carey University
John Bailey, William Carey University
Anna Winstead, Oak Grove Upper Elementary
Johnny Porter, William Carey University
Development Date April 22, 2012
Grade/Age Level Intermediate elementary (Grades 3-5)
National Science
Educational Standard
Structure and function in living systems (5-8)
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By Staff
Review Date May 15, 2012
Suggested Use