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National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science

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Description One of the primary goals of the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science is to develop and maintain a nationally accessible refereed collection of exemplary case studies in all areas of science for use at the undergraduate, graduate, and high school level. We have been working toward this goal for over 10 years and our collection of more than 380 peer-reviewed cases has become the centerpiece of our website. The cases in our collection are written by science faculty primarily from the U.S. and Canada, although our authors also hail from Sweden, Egypt, and Australia. Cases on our site are published after undergoing a rigorous process of peer review and revision. All of them have teaching notes. Many also have answer keys, which are password protected. Copyright for these materials is held by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. They may be used by teachers subject to our usage guidelines.
Type of Resource Index
Format Web Page - HTML
Development Date January 4, 2012
Grade/Age Levels Middle School (Grades 6-8)
High School lower division (Grades 9-10)
High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Professional (degree program)
Continuing Education
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By Staff
Review Date January 4, 2012
Funding Source National Science Foundation
Suggested Use

Case studies are an excellent source.  I signed up!  Can't wait to incorporate them into my curriculum.

Andrea Kosinski, CABoces

I have been using a number of case studies from this collection in my second-year nursing pathophysiology course for a number of years.  I often add additional questions to tie in concepts from first year A&P.  The next step is to introduce case studies into first year A&P and there are so many good ones to choose from!

Sometimes there are different versions of a case study directed at different grade levels.

Julie Dais, Okanagan College

This is an unbelievable resource.  You can join their email listserv to receive notice when new cases are added.  The range of topics is incredible.  I've used cases in Anatomy, Physiology and General Biology. 

Wendy Riggs, College of the Redwoods

Many, many, many case studies. Just sign up

Jason LaPres, Lone Star College - University Park

I love this resource and use it often throughout my anatomy & physiology course. I use it primarily as a source of enrichment for students that are grasping the concepts quickly. I have also used some case studies as a remediation tool and it works well. The great thing about this resource is that there are case studies directed toward high school students on up to graduate level.
Tami Kepshire, South Bend Community Schools


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