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Bench to Bedside Primer: The Endocrine System and Diabetes

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Description This bench-to-bedside is a four-page “primer” (a booklet of basic principles) that highlights endocrine physiology. This primer should be readable by your students or the general public to help inform them about the organ system, diseases that affect it, and basic and clinical research being done on it. It could also be used as a teaching model your students could follow in creating their own bench-to-beside primer.This teaching resource was developed by a K-12 science teacher in the American Physiological Society’s 2011 Frontiers Online in Physiology Program. For more information on this program, please visit www.frontiersinphys.org.
Type of Resource Non-journal Article, Pamphlet / Brochure
Format Portable Document Format - PDF
Tami Kepshire, Portage High School
Development Date October 7, 2011
Grade/Age Levels Primary Elementary (Grades K-2)
Intermediate elementary (Grades 3-5)
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
High School lower division (Grades 9-10)
High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
General Public
National Science
Educational Standard
Understanding about science and technology (K-12)
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By Journal Board
Review Date Reviewed at time of publication
Funding Source NIH-SEPA Program
Suggested Use

I find this article not only easy to be understood but also contains advanced current research in finding the cure for diabetes. The information is organized nicely. Very likely I will use this article as additional reading materials for Human Biology course for non-majors in learning about diabetes.

Danqing Xiao, Regis College

The description of this resource is very accurate. It's a great tool to use with high school students. Information is written in kid-friendly language, there is just enough information in the resource to inform students without overwhelming them with details, and the content is creatively displayed to catch student interest and draw their attention to major concepts. A great resource to use at the high school level!
Leslie Worton, Edison High School


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