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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Dolan DNA Learning Center

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5.0 out of 5 stars from 5 ratings.
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Description Web site that includes information on genomics, science history and animations
Type of Resource Animation, Audio, Image, Non-journal Article, Photograph, Video
Format Web Page - HTML
Technical Note Shockwave Plug-in required for animations
Development Date February 21, 2003
Grade/Age Levels High School lower division (Grades 9-10)
High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
General Public
Informal Education
Learning Time 2-3 hours
Language English
Cultural Aspect Historical (specific eras)
Type of Review Reviewed By Staff
Review Date January 18, 2007
Suggested Use

This website contains a lot of information that can be used from to teach DNA material in an integrated manner, from lecture to at-home-learning to lab exercise.  One example:  There is a lab exercise for sequencing the mitochondrial control region and how this is used in forensic and evolutionary biology - associated with this lab exercise is a series of web-based theory tutorials, animations, and contact information for sequencing service.

matthew carrigan, Santa Fe College

A very good website with excellent collection of resources especially the 3 D animation & biology animation library. I am sure these animation will help a lot for students to understand the basics of genetics and molecular biology.

Muhammad Adnan Kanpurwala, Karachi Institute of Medical Sciences

A wealth of very high quality resources.  The 3D-animations in particular are outstanding, and the other animations are also of a very high order.

And yes, there is a LOT of very useful resources here.

Robert Paul Malchow, University of Illinois at Chicago

The abundance of information and options on this website can appear overwhelming at first... but once you start exploring the site, you realize the resources on the site are perfect for all levels of students. The activities under DNA interactive have provided wonderful resources to reinforce the material I am teaching in class.
Natasha Ezerski, Seneca Valley High School

I use this website for the extensive digital resources about Molecular Biology. As part of the NMSU-HHMI Molecular Mobile Lab, I show this PCR animation (http://www.dnalc.org/resources/animations/pcr.html), to help the students understand the process of PCR. I have showed this animation to students in grades 9-12, across many Biology subject classes (general, AP, honors, etc.).
Raena Cota, New Mexico State University


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