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Virtual Cardiology Lab: How is a pedigree useful in diagnosing heart disease?

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Description This lesson is designed for upper level high school, undergraduate and graduate students learning about the cardiovascular system.
Type of Resource Assessment: tool, Simulation
Format Web Page - HTML
HHMI, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Development Date January 1, 2009
Grade/Age Levels High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
National Science
Educational Standards
Molecular basis of heredity (9-12), Personal and community health (9-12), Personal health (K-8), Structure and function in living systems (5-8)
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By LifeSciTRC Board
Review Date October 6, 2009
Suggested Use

Thank you for providing the updated link. The resource has been updated.

Miranda Byse, American Physiological Society

The link for this activity has been updated by HHMI; the current link can be found here: http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/cardiology-virtual-lab . 

I also recommend a pre-lab day where students can become familiar with the set-up of the animation. If possible, it is best if students can bring/have access to headphones, as part of the activity requires listening to heart sounds that may be hard to hear in a 25-student computer lab. 

Caitlin Johnston , Diocese of St. Petersburg

This virtual lab works well as a simulation. I really wouldn't use it as an assessment, since it is too difficult to accurately measure student learning. It is a great lab activity that allows students to "play" doctor and use their learned knowledge of the cardiovascular system. I would suggest a one day "Pre-Lab" in which you go through the information tags on the lab folder. Caution students to read the introduction, since it explains how to use the virtual lab. Make sure your computers have "Shockwave" and "Flash Player" installed or this will not work
Tami Kepshire, South Bend Community Schools


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