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Osmosis in Action- A Lesson on Osmosis

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Description This teaching resource was developed by a K-12 science teacher in the American Physiological Society’s 2008 Frontiers in Physiology Program. For more information on this program, please visit www.frontiersinphys.org. The purpose of this activity is to encourage students to design and carry out an investigation that will enable them to visualize the different types of osmotic solutions, and how osmosis affects the balance within nature. The activity challenges the students on the process of food preservation and its relationship with osmosis. This lesson should follow a unit on cell structure and function with a slight overview on diffusion. Upon the completion of this activity, students will be able to define: osmosis, isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic.
Type of Resource Laboratory or Hands-On Activity
Format Portable Document Format - PDF
Jennifer Reis, Kutztown Middle School
Development Date August 1, 2008
Grade/Age Level Middle School (Grades 6-8)
National Science
Educational Standards
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry (K-12), Evidence, models, and explanation (K-12), Form and function (K-12), Nature of science (5-8), Personal health (K-8), Structure and function in living systems (5-8), Understandings about scientific inquiry (K-12)
Learning Time 4-6 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By LifeSciTRC Board
Review Date December 6, 2010
Suggested Use
This lab reaches all levels of learning and includes great directions for teacher implementation. It is a complete resource, including the student worksheets and rubrics. The lab itself is a great activity to help students with the study of osmosis, while allowing them to make connections to food preservation. A great resource for high school science!
Pauline Schork, Clinton High School

This resources draws on a variety of skills to reach all learning modalities and is well-planned out for easy teacher implementation. It is complete with rubrics, internet research guides, and student worksheets. It also helps students connect ideas of diffusion and osmosis to food processing in order to enhance their understanding of its importance. A great tool for high school science classrooms!
Leslie Worton, Edison High School

A straight-forward inquiry lab dealing with osmosis, including a rubric for peer evaluation of the poster and projects
Robert Carroll, Brody School of Medicine

This is a well designed resource for the study of osmosis.
Robert Hester, University of Mississippi Medical Center


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