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Form and Function in DNA Through Strands of a String – “String Me Up”

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Description The coiling structure found in DNA has evolved because it provides advantages to the function of DNA. String provides a simple model in which the advantages of coiling can be understood. Most string is composed of three strands that are twisted/coiled. Twisted string maximizes mass while making efficient use of space, an important ingredient of DNA. Super coiling, as the students do in this activity, enhances this efficiency with the additional benefit of being stronger.
Type of Resource Assignment/Activity (Non-Laboratory/Non-Hands on Activity)
Format Word Document - DOC
Lyn Countryman, University of Northern Iowa
Development Date July 20, 2008
Grade/Age Levels Middle School (Grades 6-8)
High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
National Science
Educational Standard
Molecular basis of heredity (9-12)
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By LifeSciTRC Board
Review Date December 13, 2010
Suggested Use

The lesson is simple and student-centered.  It is accessbile for a regular biology class in understanding DNA coiling in a 3-dimensional tangible manner.  I look forward to using this next year in my biology course.

Cathia Acton, The Burlington School

This is a great way to hook students and have them be asked rather than told key understanding for why DNA strands coil up.  I will use this next semester in my high-school biology class.

Meghan Wilson, Hartford High School

This is a straight-forward activity and one that covers an important topic - the structure of DNA affect its function to such a great degree that understanding how the physical structure affords DNA its "super powers" enables students to better understand its essential function in living organisms.

David Upegui, Central Fall High School

This is a quick and effective lessons to help students understand DNA coiling.
Mary Eldredge-Sandbo, United Public School District #7


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