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"Virtual Rat": A tool for understanding hormonal regulation of gastrointestinal function

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Description Dry lab to demonstration hormonal regulation of GI function
Type of Resource Journal Article/Issue
Format Portable Document Format - PDF
Christopher Hsu, Northeastern Ohio Universities
Cynthia Bailey, Wayne State University
Stephen DiCarlo, Wayne State Univ Sch Med
Development Date June 1, 1999
Grade/Age Levels High School lower division (Grades 9-10)
High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Professional (degree program)
Continuing Education
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By Journal Board
Review Date Reviewed at time of publication
Suggested Use

A very effective "dry lab" to teach the role of GI-hormones in the regulation of digestion.  I have been using it for many years and the students learn the function of these hormones very fast.  Even though there are many more newly discovered GI-hormones, this paper gives a very good background on how research is conducted using small animals.  The data and the interpretation of the results are very instructive.

Nuran Kumbaraci, Stevens Institute of Technology

This is an excellent problem-based learning resource!  I have been using it for many years as a "dry lab" to teach the role of GI-hormones in regulating GI-function.  First students learn how to conduct an animal experiment to study specific GI-hormones and then they are given the experimental data.  Students like to solve the puzzle and explain the mechanism of action of each hormone.  Even though more hormones are known today, this study provides fundamental information about the control of digestion.

Nuran Kumbaraci, Stevens Institute of Technology


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