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Cancer: Good Cells Gone Bad

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Description This lecture review homework assignment focuses on student understanding of the basic terminology associated with cancer, the genetic transformation of a normal cell to a cancer cell, the basic problems associated will cancer cell regulation and growth, the steps usually involved in the development of cancer, the normal beneficial response of the immune system to cancer cells, the process and potential consequences of cancer cell metastasis, and the benefits of detection of circulating cancer cells.
Type of Resource Assessment: other, Assignment/Activity (Non-Laboratory/Non-Hands on Activity), Study Guide
Format Portable Document Format - PDF
Development Date August 13, 2007
Grade/Age Levels Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
National Science
Educational Standard
The cell (9-12)
Learning Time 2-3 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization
Review Date September 4, 2007
Suggested Use

This assignment is definitely designed for upper level high school or college students. As a HS freshman bio teacher, I could pick parts of this to use in my class. It could be used as a pre-assessment to see what students already know or as review at the end of a unit. 

Aubrey Mikos, Serena High School

This was assigned in my Cancer biology class that serves both undergraduates and graduate students.  I assigned this as a review as we were moving into the end of the semester.  The students were able to use this to make certain that they understood all of the terms that we were using in the class. In addition, it has some critical thinking questions that the students were able to use to work on those skills.  I motified it slightly because I did not spend a lot of time on iniation/promotion/progression in this year's class.  I found it to be a nice capstone review for the commulative final exam.

Kelly Wentz-Hunter, Roosevelt University


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