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Acknowledging race in the science classroom

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Description As science educators, it can be difficult to break away from science content to acknowledge and address issues of race and equity in our classrooms. Curriculum implementing best teaching practices can be successful by numerous metrics, but could possibly fall short of engaging issues of equity. For example, using a health topic, such as diabetes, to frame content in a human biology or physiology course could be an effective way of engaging students. However, failing to address and engage racial disparities, by deliberate exclusion in favor of science content or because the instructor feels uncomfortable, results in, 1) favoring traditional and well-defined mechanisms of disease by ignoring new and evolving factors; 2) reinforcing that scientists do not “do” diversity; 3) ignoring concerns students of color may have about their own health risks. This, in turn, decreases diversity of thought in the science community by discouraging differing conclusions and analyses provided by individuals of varying backgrounds and perspectives. Educators and administrators must actively challenge themselves to counteract the impulse to ignore issues of race in the science classroom through specific actions and professional development.
Type of Resource Non-journal Article, Teaching Strategies & Guidelines
Format Web Page - HTML
Kathryn Johnson, Beloit College
Development Date August 15, 2016
Grade/Age Levels Graduate
Professional (degree program)
Continuing Education
General Public
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By Staff
Review Date June 29, 2018
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