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Lectures in Cardiovascular Physiology

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Description This is a thirteen hour lecture series in Cardiovascular Physiology given by the author to First Year Medical Students. Each of these lectures has been captured on video and is followed by relevant reading material from the author’s ibook, “Medical Physiology of the Heart-Lung-Kidney”. Many of the basic physiological concepts discussed in these lectures are applied to clinical situations, such as interpreting EKGs or listening to heart murmurs, so that these programs should be helpful not only in Physiology Courses but also in Pathophysiology Courses for Medical, Osteopathic, Podiatric or Nurse Practitioner students.These lectures may be used as a complete, independent thirteen hour course, or individual lectures may be used to supplement a human physiology/pathophysiology course. Moreover, student experience would be enriched by clinical correlates and small group peer teaching in the program entitled, “Cardiovascular Physiology: Video Course in Problem Solving,” by Patrick Eggena, M.D. ($3.99 in the Apple iBooks store). If requested, Dr. Eggena will work with faculty to develop an appropriate examination for students enrolled in this course. "Lectures in Cardiovascular Physiology" by Patrick Eggena, M.D. is available in Apple iBooks store for $9.99.
Type of Resource Book, Lecture / Lecture Outline / Lecture Notes
Format Portable Document Format - PDF - 12.13 MB
Development Date March 18, 2016
Grade/Age Levels Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Professional (degree program)
Medical Objectives
in Physiology
Arterial pressure and circulation, Cardiac cycle, Cardiac function, Cardiac output and venous return, Cerebral, splanchnic and cutaneous circulation, Coronary circulation, Electrophysiology of the heart, Exercise (see also Integration), Fluid dynamics, Hemostasis and injury, hemorrhage, shock, Local control of blood flow, Physiology of cardiac defects (heart sounds), Regulation of arterial pressure, The microcirculation and lymphatics, The normal ECG and the ECG in cardiac arrhythmias and myopathies, Unique characteristics of cardiac muscle
Learning Time >9 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By LifeSciTRC Board
Review Date December 21, 2016
Funding Source None
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