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Demonstrating Meiosis Using Manipulatable Chromosomes and Cells

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Description This resource is an in-class, hands-on, manipulative modeling exercise designed to allow students to visualize and demonstrate meiosis in a diploid cell by manipulating a simplified three-dimensional model of chromosomes in a model germ cell; this is for students to complete individually but work through in small groups. Meiosis is consistently a challenging process for students to grasp, likely because it occurs on a microscopic and molecular level that is abstract to student thinking. By allowing each student to manipulate individual model chromosomes in a model cell, the activity makes meiosis a tangible and accessible concept to students in a way that allows students to make sense of the abstract properties of meiosis. It can specifically incorporate challenging aspects of meiosis and processes that occur during or as a result of meiosis that are often difficult for students to understand or visualize, including: crossing over; ploidy of the cells in different stages of meiosis; the number of chromosomes, chromatids, and DNA molecules at different stages of meiosis; how individual maternal and paternal alleles travel to individual gametes; how meiosis leads to genetic variation; and how mistakes in meiosis can result in aneuploidy. The implementation of this activity is designed to appeal to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles.
Type of Resource Laboratory or Hands-On Activity, Lecture / Lecture Outline / Lecture Notes
Format Web Page - HTML
Technical Note This resource contains an instructor guide, a supplementary guide to common student mistakes and misconceptions, an in-class handout, and a pre-class worksheet.
Mary Durham, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Development Date May 15, 2015
Grade/Age Levels High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
GSA Core Concepts
and Core Competencies
Nature of genetic material: What are the molecular components and mechanisms necessary to preserve and duplicate an organism’s genome?; Transmission/ patterns of inheritance: What are the mechanisms by which an organism’s genome is passed on to the next generation?; Core competencies: Students should be able to locate, read, and comprehend primary literature research papers on genetics topics.; Students should be able to communicate experimental results effectively, including writing research papers and giving presentations.;
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization
Review Date August 12, 2015
Suggested Use