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Essentials of Cell Biology

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Description Essentials of Cell Biology introduces readers to the core concepts of cell biology. This course can provide an introduction to cell biology for beginning students of all ages or be a springboard to more specialized topics for advanced students. The course begins with a discussion of the fundamental properties of cells: the origin of the cell, how cells are organized, how they reproduce, and how they use energy. Other units in the course expand these topics and provide insight into the processes that regulate cell function and generate the amazing variety of cell types seen in living organisms. Topics include the decoding process that produces distinct sets of proteins in different cell types, the cellular structures responsible for cell function, the signals that cells use to communicate with one another, and the intricate controls on cell division. At the end of each unit in this eBook there is the option to test your knowledge with twenty multiple-choice questions.
Type of Resource Online Tool
Format Web Page - HTML
Clare O'Connor, Nature Education
Jill Adams, Nature Education
Development Date January 17, 2014
Grade/Age Levels Intermediate elementary (Grades 3-5)
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
High School lower division (Grades 9-10)
High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed By Staff
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