A Partnership of
Life Science Organizations

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K-12 Educator - Featured Community Members

LifeSciTRC Scholars

The LifeSciTRC Scholars Program is an 8-week online program that trains High School Life Science Teachers to become LifeSciTRC Power Users. Teachers not only learn how to search for, save, share, and submit resources to the LifeSciTRC, but they also learn how to participate in an online community by giving and receiving feedback on classroom materials. To learn more about the LifeSciTRC Scholars Program, click here. Funded by NSF Award #1238368.

(Note: You must be logged into LifeSciTRC to view profiles)

2012 LifeSciTRC Scholars

2013 LifesciTRC Scholars

2014 Spring LifeSciTRC Scholars

LifeSciTRC Fellows

The LifeSciTRC Fellows Program is a continuation of the LifeSciTRC Scholars Program. Invited LifeSciTRC Scholars learn how to become community leaders by serving as LifeSciTRC Scholar Mentors, creating a Six Star Science Collection, and composing a community blog. Funded by NSF Award #1238368.

(Note: You must be logged into LifeSciTRC to view profiles)

2014 Spring LifeSciTRC Fellows

LifeSciTRC Reviewers

LifeSciTRC would like to thank its panel of reviewers who dedicate their time and expertise to ensuring that all resources meet the LifeSciTRC review criteria. To learn more about the review process and how to become a reviewer, click here.

(Note: You must be logged into LifeSciTRC to view profiles)

2012 LifeSciTRC Reviewers

2013 LifeSciTRC Reviewers