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Teacher-Recommended Collection: Respiratory System Laboratory Activities Collection

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Description Collection Description
This collection was developed for use in an undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology laboratory studying lung structure and function. There are a variety of activities for student pre-lab preparation in addition to resources to be incorporated in the laboratory class. It includes a PowerPoint with label slide images of lung histology, an interactive website with spirometry simulations, an article with short activities that demonstrate lung compliance and cohesion of pleural fluid, a full iWorx Spirometry lab with procedures that could easily be adapted for use with other data collection systems, and a video simulating of negative pressure generation by the diaphragm.

Describe how this collection was used.
Prior to the lab, students worked through the activities on the GetBodySmart website to prepare for study of the gross and microscopic anatomy of the respiratory system. In addition, they viewed the tutorials on spirometry and lung ventilation which simulates what would be doing in lab. During the pre-lab talk, ventilation was explained incorporating the video on the creation of negative pressure by the diaphragm. Simple activities that simulated lung compliance, elasticity, recoil, and the role of pleural fluid in ventilation were introduced and the students were then given the opportunity to play with the items (tongs, rubber bands, microscope slides). Histology PowerPoint images were presented to the group prior to individual student microscope work. This helped students distinguish various lung structures (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles) and tissue layers of the trachea. Finally, aspects of the iWorks spirometry lab procedure were incorporated into our existing spirometry lab (Vernier with LoggerPro) including tidal volume measurements in different positions (sitting, standing, prone), a simulation of increased anatomical dead space through the addition of tubing to the flow head, and the effect of exercise on rate and depth of breathing. Students collected individual data and performed calculations for FEV1/FVC. They posted their results to a Google Drive spreadsheet (see HAPS website - Teaching Resources, Laboratory Data Sharing Project). As a group we calculated class averages and the final assignment for this lab required students to answer questions (many good ones in this document) to ensure they could interpret the data and explain the results. Students found the variety of activities informative and engaging.

Describe who used this collection (classroom, laboratory, education level, etc).
First-year undergraduate anatomy and physiology laboratory instructors and students for pre-lab preparation as well as in the lab.

Describe how this collection works.
This collection prepares students in advance of laboratory for studying gross and microscopic anatomy of the respiratory system. It also introduces them to measuring various lung volumes through spirometry, provides hands on activities to demonstrate concepts such as compliance and elastic recoil, and includes a spirometry lab procedure developed for iWorks equipment which could be adapted for other collection equipment.

Please enter suggestions for colleagues.
This collection was designed for a 3 hour lab session. We have laptops for each pair of students, so they were able to play on the GetBodySmart website an view the histology slides at their lab benches throughout the lab.

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Julie Dais, Okanagan College
Grade/Age Level Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Learning Time 2-3 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

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