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Teacher-Recommended Collection: Highlights on Molecular Cell Biology

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Description Collection Description
This collection contains a wide variety of resources that support the knowledge for selective basic aspects in molecular cell biology. The resources are a combination of hands-on activities, supportive resources, simulations, and videos that demonstrate selective cellular activities. The interactive activities in the collection support the understanding and visualizing of essential molecular concepts in cell biology. This collection can be used by teachers to design a course of fundamentals of molecular cell biology and to develop students interactive activities.

Describe how this collection was used.
This collection was developed for teaching an undergraduate course in “Molecular Cell Biology”. The collection was used in conjunction with selective lectures and laboratory sessions, review sessions, take-home practices, small-group discussion and review sessions.

Describe who used this collection (classroom, laboratory, education level, etc).
The collection was been used for teaching a senior-level course of " Molecular Cell Biology " for undergraduate Biology majors. It was used in lectures, laboratory activities, self-exercise, and for review. The resources in the collection vary in their difficulty level. Selective resources in the collection can be used by faculty who are teaching Genetics, Developmental Biology and Embryology.

Describe how this collection works.
This collection works as an overview to a broad aspects of Molecular Cell Biology. The collection can be used by faculty in designing a course and finding a vast array of topics on Molecular Cell Biology as well as Genetics.

Please enter suggestions for colleagues.
These activities have to be practiced and mastered especially those related to laboratory work and simulations. Each lab activity will be examined to determine if it works better if done individually or in small/ large groups of students. I also would consider modifying some activities to work better for each selected course.

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Lubna Abu-Niaaj, Central State University
Grade/Age Levels Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Learning Time >9 hours
Language English
Cultural Aspect Historical (specific eras)
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

Resources in Collection
Click on any teaching resource's title for detailed information.
Web Site Links
Apoptosis and Cancer
A journal article for discussion.
The Biology Corner
A variety of hands-on activities that can be used as an experiment in the lab. mainly to visualize cells' structures, in addition to selective cellular processes. Some activities can be used as a simple homework and for a review. The activities use plant and animal cells.
Cell Cycle and Mitosis
A video that illustrates the mitosis as a cell division occurring in somatic cells.
Cytoskeleton-A video
A short video that can be shown while discussing the cytoskeleton and its importance for different types of cells. the video illustrates the building proteins of each component of the cytoskeleton.
DNA Barcoding Protocol-DNA Isolation
A laboratory activity for isolation of the genetic material from different biological samples. The isolated DNA can be used for future experiments during the course.
Genetic Conditions An Overview-Fact Sheets
An overview provided by the Royal North Shore Hospital Community Center for Genetic Education-Australia. A great resource that summarizes genetic information and highlights on selective genetic conditions that occur more frequently in some population groups and in people with a particular ancestry. The site also provides important links in different languages about genetics and human diseases. The activity is a supportive resource that can be explored by students outside the classroom. It can be given as a reading assignment and for in class-discussion.
Have Your DNA and Eat It Too
It is a fun lab-activity that can be done in the lab to build an edible model of DNA that illustrates the base pairing rule between the different types of nitrogen bases in a DNA molecule. Students can work in small groups or In pairs to perform the activity.
How do you determine a patient's blood type?
A pre-lab activity is to understand how blood groups are categorized in the ABO system. There is a tutorial part followed by a simulation activity during which a student would be able to practices blood-typing testing.
Meiosis-Sexual Reproduction
A video illustrates meiosis as a type of cells division that occurs in sex cells. This is a supportive activity in lecture and lab.
Microscopy Pre-lab Activities/
An introduction to the microscope in this 7 minute video that helps students review the parts of compound microscope. There is a follow-up exercise to practice using parts of compound microscope to visualize a slide. There are four different slides that can be chosen from and used in this exercise. This resource can be used as pre-lab as well as post-lab activities.
Mitochondrial purification protocol for Western blot samples
A protocol for isolating mitochondria from cells. Its a lab activity that can be done easily.
Mitosis in Onion Root Tip Cells
A lab activity that demonstrates mitotic cell division in active plant cells as onion root tips.
Muscle Contraction-Part 3: The cross Bridge Cycle
visualize Cross -bridge cycle in muscle tissue
Paramecium eating yeast-A short video
A video that can be shown during class when cytoskeleton is discussed to indicate it importance in cell's movement.
Paramecium Feeding-Short video
A video to be shown during class to illustrate the importance of cytoskeleton in cellular movement.
Protocols online -Molecular Biology
This resource is a collection of protocols for experiments in the field of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics. It is a great resource for lab work.
Regeneration of the limb: opinions on the reality
A journal article for discussion. The resource allows the thinking of therapeutic applications of cell biology to cure diseases.
Sir Paul Nurse: Great Ideas of Biology
A video of Nobel Laureate , Paul Nurse, describing the importance of critical scientific thinking in the advancement of Cell Biology.
Virtual Cell Animation Collection-Molecular and Cell Biology Learning Center
Slides showing structure of different types of cells.


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