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Vision and Change Teacher-Recommended Collection: A cohesive histology collection for the undergraduate A&P classroom

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Description Collection Description
3 pedagogy resources to inspire instructors plus 2 histology sites for students to use when microscopes are not available

How were the items in this collection used?
I used the 3 pedagogy resources to construct a cohesive and deliberate delivery of histology to my students. After presenting all of the tissue types, I assigned the students the 2 histology sites as "homework" so that they could review the images many times.

Who used this collection?
The collection is partially for the A&P instructor (the 3 pedagogy items) and partially for the students (the 2 histology sites)

Which of the V&C Core Concepts does this collection address?
Structure & Function ('Basic units of structure define the function of all living things.')
Discussion of structure leading to function is found as a theme in both the 3 pedagogy resources and the 2 histology galleries.

Systems ('Living systems are interconnected and interacting.')
The idea of tissue types each serving specialized purposes that must come together in the whole organism is addressed in several of the pedagogy resources.

Which of the V&C Core Competencies and Disciplinary Practices does this collection address?
Ability to Apply the Process of Science ('Biology is evidence based and grounded in the formal practices of observation, experimentation, and hypothesis testing.')
Students are being asked to employ their powers of observation as a core skill in histology.

Ability to Use Quantitative Reasoning ('Biology relies on applications of quantitative analysis and mathematical reasoning.')
The proper identification of histological slides depends on solid reasoning skills. The implementation teaching strategies that promote student reasoning is discussed.

Ability to Understand the Relationship between Science and Society ('Biology is conducted in a societal context.')
The use of pathologies, discussed by one of the three pedagogy resources and highlighted in one of the histology galleries allows students to connect the science they are learning to its use in society.

Please enter suggestions for colleagues.
I found all 3 of the pedagogy resources to be highly inspiring. It did not take me very much time to tweak and add to my existing histology presentation in order to incorporate some new and thoughtful ideas to help my students. Anything that you can do to encourage/force your students to spend time with the 2 histology sites is very beneficial to the students. I repeat the phrase "time viewing slides = success" for this section of the course.

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Hilary Engebretson, Whatcom Community College
Grade/Age Levels Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Professional (degree program)
Learning Time <=1 hour
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

Resources in Collection
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Web Site Links
Histology Review
This site contains an organized photojournal of the various tissue types one would encounter while studying histology. It contains both the images, as well as pertinent information and labels for each image. In addition, it contains a quiz that students can complete and check their answers. I provide this link to my students while we are studying histology so that they have access to good images even when they are not in the lab with a scope.


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Agree with Carol about the UM slidebox being an excellent resource.  I would also add histoworld ( http://www.histology-world.com/ )  as a non-affiliated site.  It has much more than just images...student games are also available.

 In addition to the UM-affiliated slidebox, I'd also add the KUMC (Kansas University Medical Center) histology site ( http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/anatomy/histoweb/index.htm )


Alas, though, this is a collection comment section, so I'm not sure if it is fair to critique with things that may not be available via the lifesciTRC.  I suppose the best thing to do would be to encourage the designers of those sites to submit their resources to the collection.

—Dave Knight, Christopher Newport University

I like nearly everything about this collection. However, the web site links that students can use 'when they are not in the lab with a scope' only links students to static images. The images are detailed, labelled, and a good resource. However, there are web pages that support virtual microscopy of histology specimens. The University of Michigan virtual histology slide box is my all-time favorite resource for my histology and human A&P courses. By using the "webscope" image, students can manipulate a virtual specimen with the same ease and resolution that they can use with a physical specimen. An added benefit is that the virtual specimens are available 24/7.

—Carol Britson, University of Mississippi

My undergraduate pre-health/nursing Anatomy & Physiology students do not have very positive comments about the "Tissues Lab" which currently consists of looking at, drawing, and labeling slides of tissues.  While I believe drawing and labeling are important to help students understand the differences among tissues, I would like to expand the lab and include some online pre- and post-lab activities, interactive quizzing, and perhaps a better method of working with tissue slides in the lab.  This collection includes some pedagogical articles that will help me revise the Tissues Lab as well as present histology in organ systems as we go through the remainder of the course.

—Kelly Sjerven, Rainy River Community College

My undergraduate healthcare students struggle with histology in A&P.  I think this collection will provide a new approach for me as well as helpful resource for the students as they learn relevent histology.

—Shari Litch Gray, Regis College