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Teacher-Recommended Collection: Head & Neck Anatomy and Development

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Description Collection Description
These resources can be used to supplement lectures on cranial nerve anatomy and head development.

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This will be used with lectures on the head and neck anatomy, specifically the courses of the cranial nerves, and the development of the head.

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I will be using these resources in my upper division Head & Neck Anatomy elective.

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These resources can be used to supplement lectures on cranial nerve anatomy and head development.

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I would do a basic lecture on head development, then use the videos on the on resource to supplement this. I would later do a lecture on the cranial nerves, first going into function and using the exercises, then talking about their anatomy, and using the 3D simulations.

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Grade/Age Levels Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Professional (degree program)
Learning Time 2-3 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

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Web Site Links
Head & Neck Anatomy Module from Dartmouth Medical School
This site has a number of videos, clinical resources, and quiz questions that can be used when teaching Head & Neck Anatomy. The resources are at the medical school level, but could easily be modified and used for undergraduate courses. I use them in my upper division elective on Head & Neck Anatomy
Virtual Cranial Nerves
This site has has great virtual reality tours of the courses of the cranial nerves, showing all their branches, and the structures they pass through. This can give detail to hard to visualize 3-D structures in the head.


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The listed journal articles are abstracts, not free full text.  The abstracts are not useful for the classroom. Rather, the articles may satisfy the professor's curiosities.  The PowerPoint presentation is rudimentary and incomplete.  The most useful tools in this collection are the web site links i.e. the Dartmouth site (with videos) and the anatatorium.com virtual cranial nerve tours (which are the subject of the aforementioned abstracts). The website links are thorough and would be an excellent resource for students learning head and neck anatomy.

—Matthew Zdilla, West Liberty University