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Vision and Change Teacher-Recommended Collection: Interactive lectures and quizzes for Anatomy

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Description Collection Description
This collection is made out of: problem solving activities, anatomy quizzes, an interactive lecture format, and an alternative electronic practical examination. It's used as a supplement in anatomy classes for my nursing students.

How were the items in this collection used?
This collection is used to supplement lab study materials and to prepare students for the lab exams. Cardiac and respiratory physiology are used to supplement the lecture and for the review before the lecture exam.

Who used this collection?
Nursing and imaging students enrolled into the two-semester Human Anatomy and Physiology sequence.

Which of the V&C Core Concepts does this collection address?
Structure & Function ('Basic units of structure define the function of all living things.')
Anatomy and physiology of cardiac and pulmonary systems is illustrated, and students are quizzed on the knowledge they acquired. Student can find out which concepts they need to work more on.

Pathways and Transformations of Energy and Matter ('Biological systems grow and change by processes based upon chemical transformation pathways and are governed by the laws of thermodynamics.')
Bio-electrical impulses arriving to the heart change into the mechanical and thermal energy. in the respiratory system portion, chemicals diffuse from one compartment to another in order to enter mitochondria and change from one form of chemical energy into another, with some radiation/thermal energy to spare.

Which of the V&C Core Competencies and Disciplinary Practices does this collection address?
Ability to Use Quantitative Reasoning ('Biology relies on applications of quantitative analysis and mathematical reasoning.')
Simulation activity involves precise doses of drugs that need to be calculated, measured, and administered.

Ability to Use Modeling and Simulation ('Biology focuses on the study of complex systems.')
Simulation of the real-live situation is a part of the collection.

Ability to Tap into the Interdisciplinary Nature of Science ('Biology is an interdisciplinary science.')
Laws of chemistry, thermodynamics, and biology intertwine in these resources.

Please enter suggestions for colleagues.
Introduce the collection to students and show them how to get to postings. Go over a sample to show them how it works, and explain that they can use it to find out what they need to study and/or to practice for lab and lecture exams. Remind students before those exams of the resource and use it to conclude some of the teaching segments as an illustration.

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Branko Jablanovic, College of Lake County
Grade/Age Levels Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Learning Time 2-3 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

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This is a short collection with useful resources.  The TPS and web anatomy were my favorite.  I already use the TPS for another course, but it's time to use it for anatomy.  I will definitely add the web anatomy link to my blackboard page.

—Jessica Ibarra, University of the Incarnate Word

The collection has a number of excellent interactive resources, a few of the resources are related with regard to their set-up (e.g. Cardio Action Maze and Respiratory Action Maze).  The nature of the interaction is much different across these resources. The Virtual Stroke Lab is particularly involved. The link to the Virtual Stroke Lab does not link directly to the stroke lab website, but with a little searching it is easy to find.

—Matthew Zdilla, West Liberty University