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Teacher-Recommended Collection: The Heart: Diseases and Disorders

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Description Collection Description
This is a collection of activities and lessons designed to aid second-year anatomy and physiology students in learning diseases and disorders of the heart. The resources will allow students to gain an in-depth understanding of the causes, symptoms, treatments, and prognosis of heart disease as well as preventive measures.

Describe how this collection was used.
This collection was used as supplemental material to gain a better understanding of heart disease. It was used to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms of heart disease and generate optimal class discussions.

Describe who used this collection (classroom, laboratory, education level, etc).
Anatomy & Physiology II students who are high school seniors

Describe how this collection works.
This collection works by using a variety of learning modalities. There are interactive labs, scholarly articles, a podcast, and virtual lab that all students can become comfortable with and learn

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I recommend using these resources after you have given students a comprehensive overview of heart disease. All of these work well as supplemental material to drive home the concepts.

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Tami Kepshire, Portage High School
Grade/Age Level High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Learning Time 6-9 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

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ED Heads
I use this site as a supplement to my lessons. It has a lot of great games and interactive "fun" activities that work to cement new concepts.


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These are all excellent resources; I particularly like the "Virtual Cardiology Lab" and the "ED Heads" link at the end. I particularly appreciate that this collection has a variety of learning modalities addressed (virtual lab, podcast, scholarly articles, etc.)

I would recommend perusing this collection early in your unit about the cardiovascular system to have the best idea how to incorporate the wide variety of topics covered in the collection. 

—Caitlin Johnston , Diocese of St. Petersburg