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Teacher-Recommended Collection: The Skeletal System

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Description Collection Description
A collection of resources to help students understand the skeletal system and how the skeletal system interacts with the muscular system.

Describe how this collection was used.
I used this collection as a resource of sites and activities to make my lessons on the skeletal system more engaging for students in anatomy and physiology; and help deepen their understanding of specific aspects of the skeletal system.

Describe who used this collection (classroom, laboratory, education level, etc).
I used this collection with my high school anatomy and physiology classes.

Describe how this collection works.
I used this collection to first introduce the skeletal system using the learning centers activity, and then proceeded through the resources within the unit. I used the lab activities to help students understand bone density and motion in the skeletal system. Then I showed how the skeletal and muscular systems interact. Finally, the students could use the review sites to prepare for their lab practical.

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I hope that these activities give you additional things to use to enhance your teaching of the skeletal system.

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Pauline Schork, Clinton High School
Grade/Age Level High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Learning Time 4-6 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

Resources in Collection
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Web Site Links
Get Body Smart--Human Skeletal System
I use this site as a review activity for my anatomy students when we are preparing for the skeletal system lab practical.


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This collection is mostly activities and labs. The first 6 resources go together, and include the student lab sheets as well as the teacher information. This is obviously a supplement and would not be great to give you a complete unit, but it is a great addition to what I already use! 

—Aubrey Mikos, Serena High School