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Teacher-Recommended Collection: Clickers in the Classroom

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Description Collection Description
These resources provide ideas of how to use clicker questions for active learning and peer teaching. There are also examples of clicker questions that can be used.

Describe how this collection was used.
I used this collection to expand my knowledge on how clicker questions can be used in the classroom - specifically for active learning and peer teaching. I also included examples of clicker questions that I found that helped me in creating my own questions.

Describe who used this collection (classroom, laboratory, education level, etc).
I used this information to enhance my undergraduate lectures in anatomy and physiology.

Describe how this collection works.
The two articles are education research articles showing how clicker questions were successfully used in active learning and peer teaching. I used these articles to give me ideas for my own classroom. I then used the clicker question resources to help me create my own clicker questions.

Please enter suggestions for colleagues.
I hope that these articles help you think of additional ways to use clicker questions for active learning. These were approaches that I hadn't even thought about!

Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Multiple Formats
Miranda Byse, American Physiological Society
Grade/Age Levels Undergraduate lower division (Grades 13-14)
Undergraduate upper division (Grades 15-16)
Learning Time 2-3 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

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This collection seems a bit light on subject material but is a good start. I know not everything is on here, but I have personally seen more clicker applications on the site.  Perhaps an author update is in order?

—Dave Knight, Christopher Newport University