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General Collection: People and Animals: United for Health

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Description This is a comprehensive curriculum on biomedical science for middle and high school educators. The curriculum addresses the national debate involving the use of animal models in biomedical research and aims to provide teachers and students with an understanding of how and why animals are used in biomedical science. Specifically, "People and Animals: United for Health" looks at human and animal disease entities and how animal research has been instrumental in the study of the treatment and cure of these diseases. A significant portion of the curriculum is devoted to illustrating the humane care and use of laboratory animals. The curriculum package includes three main elements: (1) a comprehensive Reference Manual for teachers; (2) a set of 159 slides; (3) a quick-reference Discussion Guide. There are ten academic units in the curriculum, including: (1) The Facts About Biomedical Research; (2) Who Conducts Biomedical Research; (3) Fact vs. Myth; (4) Some Animals Which Contribute to Biomedical Research; (5) The Regulation of Biomedical Research; (6) The Housing and Care of Laboratory Animals; (7) Why Must New Drugs Be Tested?; (8) Animal Health and the Environment; (9) Some Biomedical Success Stories; (10) On-Going Biomedical Research. There is also a Glossary, an Index, a list of Tables and Figures, information about MSMR and careers in health.
Type of Resource Annotated Collection
Format Portable Document Format - PDF
MSMR, Massachusetts Society for Medical Research
Grade/Age Levels Middle School (Grades 6-8)
High School lower division (Grades 9-10)
High School upper division (Grades 11-12)
Learning Time >9 hours
Language English
Type of Review Reviewed by Partner Organization

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